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ASP. NET 3. 5 Website Programming

Dear reader, thanks for picking up this book, and welcome to the ASP.NET 3.5 Website Programming:
Problem–Design–Solution,fully updated to ASP.NET version 3.5! The idea for this book was born in 2001,
with ASP.NET 1.0, from the desire to have a book that teaches how to create real-world web sites. The
first edition was published in 2002, and fortunately it was a success. I believe that this was due to the
fact that most ASP.NET books on the market were (and still are) reference-type books, which describe
every single control of the framework, and all their methods and properties, but the examples they pro-vide are single-page demos showing how to use a control of a feature. Typically these references don’t
show how to integrate all ASP.NET features and controls into a single site with rich functionality, which
is what readers have to do at work. Designing and implementing a real-world site is very different from
creating simple examples, and that’s why I think a book like this is helpful for developers facing real
problems in their everyday work.
Much of this new edition was rewritten completely from scratch, while trying to preserve as much of
the existing application integrity as possible. As a new author for this book I tried to find a balance
between the existing Beer House application framework, add some new modules, and integrate some
of the great new technologies in ASP.NET 3.5 SP1

ID e-Book 602
Judul e-Book ASP. NET 3. 5 Website Programming
Kategori Web Programming
Penulis Chris Love
Penulis lainnya -
Penulis lainnya -
Tahun 2010
Edisi 1

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