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CIXAM Exam Practice Kit

Welcome to the new CIMA Exam Practice Kit which has been launched to coincide with a
major change in the syllabus where new examinations will take place from May 2005.
This Kit has been designed with the needs of home study and distance education candi-dates in mind. It is also ideal for fully taught courses or for students resitting papers from
the old syllabus.
These hints, question and answers have been produced by some of the best-known freelance
tutors in the United Kingdom who have specialised in their respective papers. The ques-tions and topics selected are relevant for the May 2005 and November 2005 examinations.
The exam practice kits will complement CIMA’s existing study manuals with the Q&A’s
from May 2005 examination published in the next edition of the CIMA study manual and
the Q&A’s from November 2005 examination published in the 2006 edition of the CIMA
Exam Practice Kit

ID e-Book 610
Judul e-Book CIXAM Exam Practice Kit
Kategori Database
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Tahun 2005
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